
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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of the pope's chapel, were so obliging as
to execute several beautiful compositions
of Palestrina, Benevoli, and Allegri, in
order to give me a true idea of the deli-
cate and expressive manner in which they
are sung in the chapel of his holiness.

In the afternoon I went to Signor Crispl's
accademia; I arrived late, while some new
Quartettos of his composition were per-
forming; but he was so obliging as to
desire the band to begin again, and to go
through with the whole six. I think
these pieces have great merit, and are
superior to any of his other productions.

Sunday 18. I went this morning with
Mr. Wyseman to the church of S. John
Lateran*; it is the most ancient church

* Mr. Wyseman is a worthy English music-
master, who is well known and esteemed by all
the English at Rome, where he has so long been
an inhabitant, that he has almost forgot his na-
tive tongue. He now lives in the Palazzo Rafa-
, without the gates of Rome; where, during
the first winter months, he has a concert every