
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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in Christendom. I here heard high mass
performed in the Colonna chapel, by two
choirs, and saw it played by Signor Co-
lista, the celebrated organist of that
church, on a little moveable organ The
music was by Signor Casali, Maestro di
, who was there to beat time. I
was introduced both to him and to Sig-
nor Colista, after the service; and the
latter upon being entreated to let me hear
the great organ, very obligingly consented,
upon condition that Monsignore il Pre-
of the church was applied to;
which is a necessary ceremony in conse-
quence of some injury formerly done
to the instrument, by the malice or ig-
norance of a stranger who had played
upon it. This application was readily

week till the operas begin. It was here that the
great Raphael lived, where there are still some of
his paintings in fresco; and where the late Duke
of York, the Prince of Brunswick, and several
other great personages, gave concerts to the first
people of Rome.