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ther serious or comic; so that England, where we have both in great perfection, in the Italian language, composed and performed by Italians, may be said to be a better school for a young composer than France; at least his taste, if already formed upon that of Italy, is less likely to be vitiated and depraved in a country where good singing may frequently be heard, than in one where it is hardly too much to say, it is never to be heard at the theatres.
From the vicinity of this place to Italy, it was natural to suppose that the music would have been tinctured rather more with the Italian gusto than at Paris; but, on the contrary, what is bad at Paris, is worse here. At the theatre, which is a very pretty one, the singing is detestable: I was entertained how- ever at a coffee-house by an Italian family, who, I am certain, were never