
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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performed at the Messa Bassa, during
the symphony*. On festivals Signor
Pugnani plays a solo, or the Bezozzis
a duet, and sometimes motets are per-
formed with voices. The organ is in the
gallery which faces the king, and in
this stands the principal first violin.

The serious opera begins here the sixth
of January, the king's name-day, and
continues every day, except Friday, till
Lent, and this is called the Carnival.

Signor Ottani, who performs in this
opera, has an excellent tenor voice, sings
with taste, and in a pleasing manner.
He favoured me with two or three airs,
in different styles, which discovered him
to be a master of his profession. He
likewise paints well, in the manner of
Claude Lorrain and Du Vernet, and is

* The morning service of the church here is
called Messa Bassa, when the priest performs it in a
voice so little louder than a whisper, that it cannot
be heard through the instruments.