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letter of credit. Mr. Martin desiring to look at mine, in his presence, in order to know how he might send my letters after me, the good father could hardly comprehend how this letter could be argent comptant, ready money throughout Italy.
He charged me with compliments to Padre Boscovich at Milan, and Padre Mar- tini at Bologna; and I left my new ac- quaintance, impressed with the highest respect and affection for him. I must just mention one particular more relative to this great and good man, which I had from Signor Baretti; that he, through choice, lives up six pair of stairs, in his observatory, and among his machines, and mathematical instruments; and there does every thing for himself, even to making his bed, and dressing his dinner.
I visited the University, or royal library here, where there are fifty thousand vo- lumes, and many manuscripts, the cata- logue of which fills two volumes in