
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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curious MSS. were now displayed; a-
mong which were several books of Pe-
trarca's and Leonardo da Vinci's own
hand-writing. I was likewise shewn se-
veral very ancient MSS. upon papyrus,
well preserved. In short, I was made
ample amends this morning for former
disappointments, being carried into a
room containing nothing but MSS. to the
amount of fifteen thousand volumes.

From hence the Abate carried me to
Padre Sacchi, a learned musician here, as
to theory; he has published two very cu-
rious books, relative to music, which I had
before purchased. He received me very
courteously, and we entered deeply into
conversation on the subject of them and
of my journey. He was so obliging as to
write down my direction, and gave me
great encouragement to write to him, if
on reading his books I met with any