5–8 October 2023
University of North Texas in Denton, TX
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The location of SECM’s tenth biennial conference in Denton, Texas, is a significant choice. This is the first time that the society will meet in a location without any eighteenth-century structures that testify to musical life during the 1700s. Yet a wealth of eighteenth-century musical materials are housed in Denton, such as a 5-stop historic organ constructed about 1780 in Europe and brought to Texas by German immigrants sometime in the 1850s and a first published edition of Handel’s Messiah. During our half-day pre-conference symposium, participants will enjoy a demo-recital on the eighteenth-century organ and a visit to eighteenth-century music special collections. Afterward, we will hold a critical discussion about how to navigate our pre-conceptions of “eighteenth-century places” and the ubiquity of eighteenth-century musical materials in the twenty-first century.
The pre-conference events will take place from 2pm–7pm and can be joined at any point.
There is an additional charge for the pre-conference, which you can add at the time of registration. If the option was not available when you registered, you may visit the form again, and add only the pre-conference.
8:15 Coffee and Registration (Music Building, Room 150)
8:45 Welcome
9–10:45 Panel: “New Perspectives in Metastasio Research”
Organizer and Moderator:
Nathaniel Mitchell (University of North Carolina at Greensboro)
Anne Desler (University of Edinburgh)
Carlo Lanfossi (Università degli Studi di Milano)
Jessica Peritz (Yale University)
Paul Sherrill (University of Utah)
10:45–11:00 Break (Coffee and Refreshments in Music Building, Room 150)
11:00–12:10 Investigating Sources
Session Chair: Alison DeSimone (Independent Scholar)
Scot Buzza (University of Kentucky), “The Psalm Texts of San Marco: Theme and Variations”
Don Fader (University of Alabama), “The Cantatas of Philippe II d’Orléans Rediscovered: Rethinking the Early History of the Cantate Françoise”
12:10–12:25 General Meeting
12:25–2:20 Lunch (on your own)
2:20–3:30 Composing Opera
Session Chair: Julia Doe (Columbia University)
Hedy Law (University of British Columbia), “Mythologizing Racine: Gluck’s Iphigénie en Aulide (1774), le merveilleux, and Euhemerism in the French Enlightenment”
Michael Goetjen (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), “Between Idomeneo and Tito: Seria Style in Mozart's Concert Arias of the 1780s”
3:30–3:50 Break (Coffee and Refreshments in Music Building, Room 150)
3:50–4:50 Lecture Recital
Session Chair: Kimary Fick (Oregon State University)
Paula Maust (Peabody Institute of the Johns Hopkins University), “Pedagogical Strategies in Elizabeth Turner’s c.1756 ‘Six Lessons for the Harpsichord’”
5:00–5:30 Mariachi Performance
8:30–9:00 Coffee and Registration (Music Building, Room 150)
9–10:45 Global Identities
Session Chair: Jessica Pertiz (Yale University)
Stewart Carter (Wake Forest University), “From gongchepu to Western Staff Notation: Joseph-Marie Amiot’s Divertissements chinois (1779)”
Matt Darnold (University of North Texas), “Rameau’s ‘Les sauvages:’ Resonances of French Coloniality”
Sam Girling (University of Auckland), “Gracefulness or Raucousness? The Role of the Tambourine in the Late Eighteenth Century and its Relationship to Female Identity”
10:45–11:00 Break (Coffee and Refreshments in Music Building, Room 251)
11:00–12:10 Haydn Studies
Session Chair: Erick Arenas (San Francisco Conservatory of Music)
Luca Lévi Sala (Manhattan College), “Haydn’s Symphonies Scored by Clementi.” A New Source of the London Symphonies”
Olga Sanchez (University of Chicago), “The Hymn as a Musical Topic in Haydn's Symphonies”
12:10–2:15 Lunch (on your own)
(12:10–1:00 SECM Board Meeting Lunch)
2:15–4:00 Panel: “Grove Music Online’s Women, Gender, and Sexuality Project: A Roundtable on (Re)Writing Women and Encyclopedism in Eighteenth-Century Music Research”
Rebecca Cypess pre-recorded video intro (Rutgers University)
Alison DeSimone (University of Missouri-Kansas City)
Julia Doe (Columbia University)
Rebecca Geoffroy-Schwinden (University of North Texas)
Chandler Hall (University of North Texas)
Paula Maust (Johns Hopkins University)
Natasha Roule (Independent Scholar)
4:00–4:30 Break (Coffee and Refreshments in Music Building, Room 251)
4:30–5:30 Plenary Lecture: Neal Zaslaw: “Piano-forte pour la parfaite harmonie, or, How many notes are there in an octave?” (link to PDF of slides)
with an Introduction by Evan Cortens (Mount Royal University)
Session Chair: Drew Edward Davies (Northwestern University)
5:30–7:00 Beer & Wine Light Dinner Reception (Music Building, Spec’s Charitable Courtyard)
7:00 Walk to the Murchison Performing Arts Center
7:30 Baroque Orchestra & Vox Aquilae Concert: “Music of the Americas” (Murchison Performing Arts Center, Winspear Hall)
8:30–9:00 Coffee and Registration (Music Building, Room 150)
9–10:10 Virtual Session: Notation and Influence
Session Chair: Drew Edward Davies (Northwestern University)
Aimee Brown (Sydney Conservatorium of Music, The University of Sydney), “Eighteenth-century French dance for Musicians – A New Notation System”
Sashi Ayyangar (Northwestern University), “Common Ground: Handel in the Music of His German Contemporaries”
10:15–11:15 Dissertations-in-Progress
Session Chair: Laurel Zeiss (Baylor University)
Peter Kohanski (University of North Texas), “A Public Monument Ordain’d”: Culture, Politics, and the Circulation of G.F. Handel’s Musical Monuments in the Eighteenth-Century British Empire”
Jeana Melilli (University of Florida), “Unfootnoting Women: Expanding the Historical Narrative of the Eighteenth-Century Trio and Accompanied Sonatas”
11:15–11:25 Break (Coffee and Refreshments in Music Building, Room 251)
11:25–12:25 Panel: “Publishing Advice for Early-Career Scholars”
Dianne Goldman (Elmhurst University), Organizer and Moderator
Rebecca Geoffroy-Schwinden (University of North Texas)
Laurel Zeiss (Baylor University)
Steven Zohn (Temple University)